Importance of Sanction and Compliance.
Recent research points to possible violation from the Netherlands to contribute to human rights violation.
Your Sanctions & Export Controls Toolbox
Your Sanctions & Export Controls Toolbox
Recent research points to possible violation from the Netherlands to contribute to human rights violation.
The impact for European companies as a result of increasingly extensive US extraterritorial legislation particularly through the various Foreign-Direct Product rules. (FDP)
Update on the European Union's 13th package against Russia as a result of two years of war in Ukraine and the death of Navalny
This post looks at the latest (12th) package of sanctions against Russia.
This post discusses latest developments regarding Russian sanctions from the EU, US and other countries.
This post discusses the impact of import controls for european companies due to Russian sanctions and Chinese export control measures.
In this post, an update regarding the list of economic critical goods for which exporters must exercise additional due diligence.
Russian Roulette - Under current politics, Western companies are faced with the choice, cooperate with regime or lose everything. Russia sanctions in extrema